The top 7 problems fixed fee Finish Line® Programs solve

 In Finish Line™

Fixed Fee Finish Line Programs

POGO Physio has been the first physiotherapy practice Australia wide to pioneer an alternative to ‘fee for service’ physiotherapy and associated rehabilitation services.

For years we had been frustrated with clients not receiving the every best outcomes that could be achieved due to what he believed were major limitations imposed by the traditional fee for service model of physiotherapy.

Related: Physio solves his greatest conundrum click HERE>>

In July 2016 we introduced our fixed fee unlimited access 2, 6, and 12 week Finish Line® Programs.

These 2, 6 and 12 week Finish Line® Programs are designed to facilitate the very best clinical outcomes possible through the removal of several barriers that individuals rehabilitating an injury often experience.

Let’s take a look at each of the top barriers that the Finish Line® rehabilitation Programs solve:

1. Paying for rehabilitation services on a session to session basis

If an injured person is unable to continue their rehabilitation due to financial constraints than the result is often a lesser outcome than what was possible. This lesser outcome can equate to a failure to return to physical activities that are important to the individual, which can trigger off a cascade of negative consequences; including psychological disturbances, poorer health, and reduced quality of life.

On average someone rehabilitating their injury with a 2, 6, of 12 week Finish Line® Program will receive 33% more in value from the Program fee than what they would have received if they were to pay for services via the traditional session to session model of care.

2. Uncertainty of how long rehabilitation will take

Having a defined 2, 6, or 12 week end to rehabilitation with the unlimited access Finish Line® Programs creates a sense of urgency/priority for the injured individual. This tends to facilitate greater engagement and heightened effort to maximise outcomes for the individual. Having a defined end date also avoids people feeling like the ‘physio just wanted me to keep coming back’.

3. Having an individual’s rehabilitation needs be under-serviced

By rehabilitating an injury in an unlimited access model the injured individual can received the very best treatment frequency possible. The unlimited access model will see people who have chosen to rehabilitate their injury with a Finish Line® Program attending POGO on average 3-6 times per week for anything from a 30min appointment, through to a two hour visit comprising in room work with a therapist and also active rehabilitation exercise such as clinical pilates or exercise physiology

4. Uncertainty of how much rehabilitation will cost

Finish Line® Programs have set fees for the 2, 6, and 12 week Programs, giving people confidence and assurance of their rehabilitation spend.

5. Not utilising an array of services that can optimise rehabilitation outcomes

Access to allied health services such as exercise physiology, remedial massage therapy, and podiatry, in addition to physiotherapy is included in the  Finish Line® Programs. These associated services can have a significant bearing on the overall outcome reached at the end of the 2, 6, or 12 week  Finish Line® Program.

6. Having to attend separate appointments for multiple injuries or concerns

Finish Line® Programs with their unlimited access allow for people to rehabilitate multiple injuries at once. For example this can include the rehabilitation of back pain, combined with shoulder pain, and hip pain all in one concurrent episode of care. There is no need to undergo three separate treatment streams as can often occur with the traditional session to session model of care. Where therapists will often request that a patient elects their most important area to work on first, followed by their next most important area or concern etc

7. An alternate and sometimes ‘last ditch’ option for people who have lost hope with their injury

Sadly many injured people can reach a point of despair whereby they feel void of hope or a vision for a better future with regards to their physical capacity or function.  In most instances such people will have only ever received care on a pay as you go ‘session to session’ model of care, which as already outlined above has many limitations including the inability to attend comprehensive (eg daily) guided rehabilitation. The unlimited access model of the 2,6, and 12 week Finish Line® Programs allows for an intensive approach to care which can yield some terrific outcomes that otherwise have not been possible.

For an example of the outcomes that can be achieved by rehabilitating with our Finish Line® Programs click the below links:

> Physio Finish Line Program Case Study- Ruth Williamson HERE>>

> Physio Finish Line Program Case Study-Barry Southgate HERE>>

>  Physio Finish Line Program Case Study-Kyle Martin HERE>>

Through the release and emerging popularity of our alternate fixed fee injury rehabilitation options including our 2, 6, and 12 week Finish Line® Programs we are enjoying seeing more of our clients get back to their physical best following injury and complete their rehabilitation (cross their Physio Finish Line®) all while saving money and recovering faster.

Physio With a Finish Line®,

Brad Beer (APAM)

Physiotherapist (APAM)
Author ‘You CAN Run Pain Free!
Founder POGO Physio
Host The Physical Performance Show

Featured in the Top 50 Physical Therapy Blog

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