Physiotherapy Media Enquiries
Brad Beer POGO Physio Founder, Physiotherapist, and Amazon Running & Jogging Best-selling Author is a sought after media commentator on topics associated with:
- The impact of injury on society.
- Baby Boomer Health Trends
- Injured Sports Stars
- Back pain and its causes
- Tips to avoid back pain
- Office workers body survival
- The industrial athlete
- Major Sporting Events (Commonwealth Games, Olympic Games)
- The impact of social trends on health and fitness.
- The current worldwide running boom and the associated problems and benefits.
- Running Injuries
- Injury Prevention
- Marathon Preparation
- Debut Marathon Participation;
- Impact of injury on society;
- Running Boom
- The reasons why all Australians should have access to complete and remarkable physiotherapy solutions.
- The impact of a sedentary population on the physical health of the nation
- The impact and burden of osteoarthritis on society
Brad is the author of the Amazon Running and Jogging Best-selling book You CAN Run Pain Free!
For interview requests please email Brad- [at] pogophysio [dot] com [dot] au
To download Brad’s bio click HERE>>
Featured in:
- The Gold Coast Bulletin
- Run 4 Your Life Magazine
- 4CRB radio
- 220 Triathlon Magazine
- PhysioNetwork

Brad Beer, Amazon Best-Selling Author, Physiotherapist, Media Commentator, and POGO Physio Founder
Tune into POGO Physio’s weekly iTunes top 20 Health & Fitness podcast The Physical Performance Show by exploring the Show archives HERE>> The Physical Performance Show