Advanced Shoulder Strength Exercise

 In Upper Limb


Hey guys, I just want to introduce you to an exercise that is great for the shoulders, fairly advanced shoulder rehab and also good for swimmers or any overhead athlete for that matter.

With a stick just lay on your tummy keeping your head up and taking the stick over your head and back and typically you would work on three lots of 12 reps with this one.  A point of note is, if you are very stiff in the thoracic spine that will make that quite hard to do because you can’t get the extension through your spine.  So if you are stiff in the thoracic spine jump on the half Pilates roller and get that spine mobilised.

Have fun with it guys and I will catch you next time!

Brad Beer physiotherapist gold coast

Brad Beer (APAM)

Physiotherapist, Author Amazon Bestseller You CAN Run Pain Free! and Founder POGO Physio

pain free performance Gold Coast physio

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