POGO Partners™ Industry Program: Pre-Registrations of Interest

 In POGO Partners™

Attention Physiotherapy Practice Owners

Are you tired of failing to get client’s great clinical results because they drop out or cease treatment well before they had reached their physical potential?

Are you frustrated with the high cost of session to session care being the main limiting factor?

Perhaps you are a therapist who dreams of being able to treat your client’s daily if required, just as a sporting team physiotherapist would.

Perhaps you are a practice owner frustrated with a high turnover of new clients, not too mention clinical staff.

Imagine being able to provide client’s with the treatment that they truly need and would most benefit from. Imagine a practice that client’s loved to attend, free from needing to pay every time they visited for a service. Imagine a practice where physio’s were liberated to offer the absolute best clinical care void of client financial limitations.

The good news is that such a practice exists.

After 10 years of learnings POGO Physio has created this practice. We created this practice in response to what consumers were wanting; clinical results with certainty of spend, certainty of time, and certainty of outcome.

From July 2017 we are making our learnings and industry first Finish Line™ model of care available to select practices.

Why would we share our award winning model?

We believe that all Australian healthcare consumers deserve access to the treatment that they truly need and will most benefit from.

We believe that the physiotherapy industry has for too long diluted it’s true potential, and it’s place in healthcare consumer’s consciousness.

We believe that every client that prematurely drops out of treatment with an unremarkable and incomplete clinical outcome damages the ‘brand’ of physiotherapy (not too mention the therapist, or the practice!).

We believe that given how hard private practice owners and physiotherapists work they deserve to be highly respected, in demand, and appropriately remunerated.

If you’re ready to get more respected results, build a workplace of choice, and become a practice of choice in the minds of savvy healthcare consumers, I invite you to pre-register your interest for our upcoming POGO Partners™ Launch.

Click through to learn more about our industry first and award winning Finish Line™ model and to receive pre launch updates here.

Physio With A Finish Line,

Brad Beer physiotherapist gold coast

Brad Beer (APAM)

Physiotherapist (APAM)
Author ‘You CAN Run Pain Free!
Founder POGO Physio

Featured in the Top 50 Physical Therapy Blog

pain free performance Gold Coast physio

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