How can Pilates improve my running?

 In Pilates, Running

Improve your Running with Pilates

Simply put it will help you run more efficiently with less muscle fatigue and this results in faster run times.

 Pilates can help you run more efficiently and reduce risk of injury    Pilates can help you run more efficiently and reduce risk of injury

But what does running more efficiently mean? It means you will use less energy to run at the same speed as before. But you want to get quicker right? Not just run at the same speed as before. Well, that energy that you are ‘saving’ is then used to help you run quicker.

If you were to look at it a different way you will be using the same amount of energy but this time you will be running quicker. That energy is being better utilised to propel you forwards.

Pilates will also help you experience less injury from running. It strengthens the muscle connections where they attach to bones to keep the skeleton in correct alignment.

Let’s look at the most common Running injuries:

1.       Groin Pain

2.       Heel and Foot Pain

3.       Stress Fractures

4.       Knee pain

5.       ITB Syndrome

These injuries are caused by tightness in some areas and weakness in others. With Pilates we will work to strengthen the weak muscles and stretch the tight muscles.

Let’s take groin/hip flexor pain for example. Frequent running puts stress on the hip muscles, pelvic and pubic structures. Many runners also experience pain in the hip flexors. This can be from the hips being in a forward tilted position for long periods. (Middle image below)

Hip strengthening exercises will help bring the hips back into the neutral alignment  Hip strengthening exercises will help bring the hips back into the neutral alignment

Specific hip muscle strengthening exercises will help to bring the hips back into correct alignment. We will also strengthen the muscles of the back to stop the lower spine from overarching.


Peter “Pilates” Ledwidge

POGO Fitness Pilates Instructor

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