Running Strength Exercise (video)- High Bench Bridges

 In Running

The fourth step to enjoying injury-free and faster running that I outline in my Amazon Running and Jogging Bestseller You CAN Run Pain Free! is for runners to ensure they have strong and stable ‘hips’. I term this step in the running pain free 5 step process- The Importance of Hip Stability.


Strong and stable hips will reduce adverse loads on the runner’s body and lower limbs, thereby reducing injury risk. Moreover strong and stable hips help to make a runner more ‘efficient’ and therefore essentially faster!

There are in essence three chief hip movements that a runner must be strong in performing.

The below table taken from You CAN Run Pain Free! outlines these 3 movements: extension, external rotation, and lateral support of the hip.

POGO Physio Runner's Hip Movements

The three chief hip movements of runners (adapted from You CAN Run Pain Free!)


Each of these hip movements can be targeted and made stronger (and therefore the runner’s pelvis made more stable) by the runner completing specific running strength exercise.

High bench bridges are an advanced strength exercise ideal for strengthening the ‘gluts’ (gluteus maximus muscles).


This exercise represents a progression from the single or double leg bridge performed which are performed on the floor.

View the below video for a demonstration of the high bench bridges Running Strength Exercise.


The aim of the high bench bridges is to ensure that you get ‘full extension’ of the hips at the top of the movement (no sagging of the bottom!).

Start with 3 x 12 repetitions of this exercise. To build endurance progress to 36 repetitions completed continuously.



ps. for more strength related exercises check out the below related posts.

Brad Beer (APAM)

Physiotherapist, Author, Runner

POGO Physio Gold Coast Physio


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