Runners boost performance and reduce your injury risk
Runners: boost performance and reduce your injury risk through this boutique workshop conducted by running physiotherapists Brad Beer & Lewis Craig.
What is it?
A 6hr workshop full of practical information and skills.
Over the last 10years in excess of 300 runners have benefited from attending a RUN101 Workshop.
In 2019 the Workshop has been revised to include up to date best practices including current best practices for strength and conditioning for endurance runners.
The workshop is a 6 hour workshop led by APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist and Bestselling Author Brad Beer, and running physiotherapist Lewis Craig.
✅ how to minimise training errors
✅ the key principles of rehabilitation
✅ footwear & orthoses considerations
✅ technique considerations
Do (Practical):
✅ run body screening
✅ run gait assessment (treadmill)
✅strength assessment
✅ running drills
✅Strength & conditioning exercises (home & gym)
✅ Q&A time
Who can benefit from a Run 201™ Workshop?
Suitable for runners of all levels: beginners to recreationally competitive.
If you answer YES to any of the below, then attending a RUN 201™ Workshop would assist you with your running goals:
- Have you ever wondered if it is possible to run injury free?
- Are you or have you recently been injured?
- Are you unsure of what exercises you should and should not be doing for your flexibility and strength?
- Have you wondered if your running technique could be modified to improve the enjoyment of your running, reduce injury risk, or improve your running speed?
- Are you preparing for an upcoming event?
- Are you frustrated by that niggle that just won’t go away?
- Are you stepping up in distance for an event?
- Are you confused by conflicting pearls of advice offered by well-meaning running colleagues?
- Are you worried about weight gain and fitness loss due to not being able to run?
- Are you unsure of what to do next to overcome your injury?
- Are you experiencing emotional ‘lows’ due to not being able to run?
- Would you like to better understand how strength training can benefit your running and which exercises you could try?
Learn What Every Runner Needs To Know:
- the 5 key principles of great running technique
- the formula for best running performance
- what individual exercises you need to focus on for your running body to be at its best
- how to get faster without necessarily needing to train harder
- how to injury proof your body through good technique
- how to run more efficiently and not get so easily fatigued
- how to run hills like a pro
- how to successfully implement technique changes into your running
- what you individually need to work on (video analysis)
- understanding running cadence and how it applies to good technique
- the role of footwear on running technique
- the biggest mistakes runners make when it comes to changing their technique
- what shoes you should buy
- why strength training is important for runners
- what strength exercises you would benefit the most from

Run 201™ Workshop timetable
11:00-11:20am 1)Intro, running injuries and contributing factors (Brad Beer, physiotherapist)
11:20-11:40am 2) Running technique principles (Lewis Craig, physiotherapist)
11:40am -12noon 3) Footwear and orthoses considerations (Brad)
12noon-12:30noon 4) Group strength assessment (Lewis and Brad)
Break 12:30-12:45noon
12:45noon-2:00pm 5) Breakout sessions: running body assessment and gait analysis sessions (groups of 5 rotating between Brad & Lewis)
2:00pm-2:45pm 5) Training load management and avoiding training errors (Brad & Lewis)
Break 2:45pm- 3:00pm
3:00-3:45pm 6) Strength Training for Runners practical and theory (Brad and Lewis)
3:45 – 4:15pm 7) Running Drills and technique implementation (Brad, Lewis)
4:15 – 5:00pm 8) Wrap Session Q&A, revision and reflection exercises (Brad, Lewis)

RUN2O1™ Workshop date:
Saturday 23rd November 2019 – 11:00am- 5pm SOLD OUT
Saturday 18th January 2020 – 11am – 5pm SOLD OUT
Saturday 21st March 2020 – 11am – 5pm
POGO Physio (Q Super Centre, Mermaid Waters, Gold Caost) click HERE>> for directions
Maximum Attendance:
Strictly limited to 10 runners per workshop.
$295 per person includes Workshop workbook
Workshop Success Stories
Here’s what previous Workshop graduates have to say: