Hip External Rotations – Hip Strength and Stabilisation

 In Lower Limb

Hip external rotations – A great exercise to Strengthen and stabilise your hips

We call this exercise ‘External Hip Rotations’. It is best performed at home off the edge of a firm bed.

Most Applicable To;

– anyone with lower limb conditions
– Runners in particular

Rarely do I treat a runner in the treatment room that doesn’t need to include this as part of their strength program.

Muscles Targeted

– Hip External Rotators that control the hip
– Prevents the hip from collapsing and dropping which puts more stress and load through the lower limbs.


– To be able to perform 100 repetitions continuously and with smooth control of the movement.

When you first commence this exercise it is likely that you may struggle to do any where near 100 repetitions continuously. Your movements may also feel ‘jerky’.


Persist with this exercise and you will get great results. The improvement in hip stability and strength will result in improved movements with activities such as running.


These improved movements will result in less load on the lower limbs and therefore a reduced injury risk.

This exercise can also assist with making runners more efficient with their technique and therefore faster runners.

If you have any questions please leave us a comment.

Brad Beer

Physio and POGO Physio Founder

Author of Amazon Bestseller ‘You Can Run Pain Free’

For more about the book click HERE

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  • Rachel Fawcett

    Hi Brad. I’m a Soft Tissue Therapist and keen ultra runner. Love your book. One thing I’m struggling with, I see a lot of runners (usually male) with absolutely no internal rotation. As a STT I work on their external rotators (usually via MET). Am I safe to assume that these external rotators also need strengthening and that this is the ex for them. Also, what injuries are they at risk from if they lack internal rotation. I presume it’s the same as for those with weak glute med/min.
    Ran a 100 miler a few weeks back, am fit as you can get, I work constantly on my glutes but I could only manage 50 of these on one side and 30 on the other!!! I am hyper mobile In my hip mobility. Some work to do

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Eccentric bridgehip External rotation